
terça-feira, 26 de novembro de 2013

Surfing In Plastic Oceans

While some people are preocupied in applying or not applying to the Green Living way of life, at the dephts of the oceans some plastic waste are getting together and creating islands. At the Pacific, heading north, we could unexpectedly hit a gigantic garbage patch floating without destination. Those islands are so big that a Netherlands folk believes that he could build a city over that plastic litter. His name is Ramon Knoester and he is trying to call the attention to that problem making creative projects using garbage, take a look at his web site WHIM architecture. The Surf Boards Market must be redefined shortly in order to deal with such new waves. Humans must be aware of what they could do to recycled the litter in a short time, or soon all mankind would be litterally walking over the water.

Shopping At Train Stations

Try to imagine a train station, the soft wind blowing a bunch of dry leaves and in the distance the noise of a train that could be hardly heard. It´s a classic sequence of a movie, and this could be nice to see it at a screen, but in real life we would like to see much more people at train stations. Shops could avoid train stations of been deserted and they could be profitable too, entrepreneurs must look close to projects that invested their money in shops at train stations, people there would have some food, buy clothes or books, passing their time at the stations waiting for their trains or having some good times there. There are a lot of business that could be explore, like parties, music concerts, poetry events and last but not least, movie theatres. Romantic people would love those spots. They could be with their beloved ones that could be leaving to start a new life, or they could be returning home after a hard period searching for a good job. Why they could not find a restaurant to celebrate or buy a farewell present? Train stations need a well done marketing project that could bring people of all ages to these places.


Johnny wandered into Rio de Janeiro streets At Friday nights. The new psychiatric treatment allowed him to leave Pinel Hospital in the weekends after he had took his medicine. He would had to stay with his aunt that lives in the outskirts of the city from Friday to Monday. Without money and hungry, he often went to Lapa, a neighbourhood near the business part of the city. Friday's nights in Lapa reunite young people. Students, workers, businessmen and artists went there to have fun, playing music, talking and drinking. Ilegal drugs made part of the substances ingested during the night. Johnny came walking from the hospital. Something about four miles by feet. People that knew him gave to him this nickname. Nobody knew what his real name was, nobody cared. People gave him beer and other drinks. Gave him marijuana to smoke. Those drugs together with the psychiatric medicine he took at the hospital made him confused and disoriented. Johnny began to talk without pausing, people liked it and started to laugh hearing his stories and yelled at him: “€Go Johnny, go”€・ When he was starving he begged for food. Nervous his dentures danced inside his mouth and everybody laughed. He got angry but he never attacked anyone. A police car eventually would peak him up and took him at the hospital again. The policemen knew him. Two weeks later Johnny was killed by an unknown driver that did not stopped to help him. He tried to cross an avenue at dawn. Before the accident people saw him at Lapa, acting crazy as he always did. They laughed and yelled at him again: “€Go Johnny, go. Go, go.”€

segunda-feira, 18 de novembro de 2013

Helicopter Girl - Veronica Ferriani - Till Broenner

Dicas de música:
Helicopter Girl - How To Steal The World
Veronica Ferriani - Veronica Ferriani
Till Broenner - Rio

Saúde Mental Nas Empresas

Quem encaminha os funcionários de uma empresa para uma avaliação psicológica ou tratamento psicológico?
De que forma é feito a abordagem do funcionário?
Existe uma falta de comunicação e de estratégias entre os psicólogos da área de recursos humanos e os psicólogos clínicos. De forma geral o funcionário irá parar em um médico (provavelmente um psiquiatra) e nós psicólogos moscando nas áreas de avaliação e aconselhamento. O momento é propício para trabalhos compartilhados, assim indicam os oráculos e mapas astrais, pricipalmente o mercado. Podemos fazer um trabalho compartilhado com psiquiatras, quando há necessidade de utilizar medicação, e de indicar tratamentos especilizados (psicoterapia, exercícios, yoga, etc). Mãos a/na/dentro da massa.